Indian DX Report host is Prithwiraj Purkayastha, a 31 years old insurance company manager by profession. He has been attracted to the hobby of DX during his college days by an article on this hobby published in a magazine. Since 2002 he has been pursuing this hobby and till today QSLed stations from more than 80 countries around the world. Prithwiraj has been adjourned as the best DXer in 2012 by DX Club of Reunion Island in their international DX contest Rallye DX. He also has many international radio station awards and prizes under his name. 

Prithwiraj has been doing DX report production and presentation since 2011 for US based Adventist World Radio's weekly DX magazine Wavescan. And in 2012 his DX capsule Indian DX Report has been aired by KBS World Radio English service. Prithwiraj has been voted as the third best host in KBS English service in that station's year end listener's survey did in 2013, and of course this was a great achievement for a radio listener turned broadcaster. 

Apart from DX, Prithwiraj is also a freelance travel writer and loves to capture the earth around him. His other interests are philately, cultural studies and music.

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